Thursday 22 December 2016

OS Atri's letter's extract

An extract from a letter of Shri O S Atri who was my first English lecturer in Degree College Tikamgarh and who indeed provided me the first experience of hearing a teacher speak throughout in English in the class!

' I discovered you accidentally at Ajmer in a std shop  - like Columbus discovered America. My friend Mr Singala gave me a magazine or a weekly to read - And lo ! There was the article on Tikamgarh by Shri PD Mishra ( along with his address). You have come a long way - The Way Farther ( the name of my book published in 2013) since TKG days ! I am really fortunate in having a lot of students who have done so well in life and a few are on the top of the world- or I should say at Himalayan height. Surely you are one of them. I wish you still greater successes and attainments. That you are still actively so active reminds me a quote from Milton-
' The last infirmity of noble minds is to scorn delight and live laborious days !'
Since you are a Yogi, it should still be a ' labour of love'- I mean a more pleasant exercise !'

Om Sharan, Atri, Jhansi 14-12-2016 

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